"We do not often think of death. We pass by it casually every day, averting our eyes, at times denying the inevitable. What a beautiful thing, dying! It is not something to ignore or abhor, it is a celebration, a return. The loss of a physical body, and the gain of clearer consciousness. The cycle of life is beautiful."
Death and dying is frightening to many people. Many people think of mortality, and view it negatively; but what is negative about death? What is so repulsive about crossing over?
I asked my Spirit Teacher Mychael about death, and the feelings that surround it. This entity moves in often to speak to transitions and change, and offers insight to release fear about them. I knew his response would be wise.
"We become attached, mentally, to our bodies. Our brains, our minds, tell us that we need this body. That we are nothing without it.
The human body is revered in society, it is painted, and photographed, and looked upon adoringly. We enjoy our bodies, they make it possible for us to live physical lives, they help us achieve enlightenment.
We begin to believe our bodies are who we are, so the concept of letting them go, it is quite painful.
When we see others in pain, in suffering, we suffer with them; but often instead of feeling this pain with compassion, we move into a state of anger, of fright, because the anger and fright distracts us from our sadness. It distracts us from recognizing and accepting our own mortality.
You, on earth, are on a path. This path is finite. It must be. Your path spiritually is not finite, it is infinite. There is nothing solemn about a human being passing over. It is the path of life. The solemness is created by the living, the living in resistance of the path of life. The living in resistance to loss.
This resistance can be diminished by spending time in meditation, detaching from the mind. It can be diminished with love, a love of life. For truly to love something we must love all of it; and dying is a part of life itself."
When we cross over, this is what's happening:
The chakras slow and stop. In the event of a sudden death (high impact), the chakras will simply stop. This is because your Spiritual Body's existence "in" a physical life form is dependent on a viable body. When your body becomes unviable, the chakras cease to function. *Important note, it is the BODY which effects the function of the chakras, not the chakras which effect bodily function. If an individual's chakra(s) seem sluggish, it is because there is a disfunction in the physical body.
The Etheric Body (Spiritual Body, molded to your physical form) is released from the physical body. There are people who say things like, "If the Spirit leaves this way, it means this. If the Spirit leaves that way, it means this." The Etheric Body leaves in flow, taking the path of least resistance, because this is how Spiritual energy works. The way a Spirit leaves a body means nothing more than this.
The Etheric Body releases the Etheric Mold (Genetic Code) of the Physical Body, leaving the physical mind behind, retaining the memories of the life. This is so important to mention! No one takes a broken mind back with them to the Nonphysical! The mind is a physical phenomenon; in the Nonphysical, there is only pure consciousness.
The Etheric body returns to its "natural" form when not matched to a physical body, which is a footballish shaped ball of energy. This is important to mention, because Spirits aren't body shaped unless they're in a body! Any time someone witnesses a Spirit in the shape of a human or animal, a) that Spirit has intentionally made a grand effort to project that way, or b) someone psychically picked up on a previous physical form had by the Spirit they have encountered.
So, those are the mechanics. Everything you read above happens naturally, without fault or effort! It is simply the way crossing over works. While this automatic process is occuring, this is what occurs with the consciousness of the individual crossing over:
Before and during crossing, it is likely the person will witness their Spirit Guides and crossed loved ones.
After the person has died, and their Spirit has crossed, their Spirit is greeted by Spirit Guides and other crossed loved ones. This happens like clockwork. Our Spirit is always greeted, and it cannot get "lost" or be unaware it is back on Spirit Side. There is no such thing as a "dead person" not knowing they are dead... I'm sorry if you were really into that narrative in Sixth Sense (lol).
The Spirit enters Life Review, a process in which they review their recent life in totality with the help of their Spirit Guides. There is no time in the Nonphysical; but on our clock, this process can take days, weeks, or years.
The Spirit often takes breaks from Life Review to "pester" living people it knows in the physical, to say, "Hi, I made it, ghosts are real, btw."
The Spirit then does... whatever the heckarooni it wants to!!! Our Spirits learn things, practice things, communicate with other entities- all with what we know to be ESP (Extra Sensory Perception). There is no pain, because there are no brains! There is no stress, I reckon because there is no time! No bills, no bodies, no problems!
Most of you are aware of Spirit Side, and some of you are in direct communication with people who have crossed over. Nearly everyone reading this knows there is "life" after death, so you and I may not be as negatively affected by death as others. It is always sad to lose someone we love, this is true; but knowing the Spirit is infinite certainly helps bring us some peace.
"...but what if I'm afraid to die?!" That'd be a totally normal fear, my friend. Let's talk about that.
Are you afraid of physical pain? Perhaps death frightens you because the possibility of a painful death seems too harsh to stomach. Of course, this is understandable! Most people make a point to avoid physical pain! In the case that this fear of pain resonates with you, know you have the power to mentally detach death from pain. Then you can work towards dissolving fear of pain. We can dissolve nearly any fear by practicing meditation daily, using methods like EFT, and by connecting to Spirit.
Are you afraid you'll run out of time? Maybe you're afraid you won't experience everything you want, or accomplish what you want? Do you have looming regrets now: shoulda, woulda, coulda's? If so, death may seem a bit like your mother calling you off the playground before you're "ready". In this case, again, first mentally detach death from FOMO. Secondly, determine if you are actively pursuing what you're afraid to miss out on! Are you doing anything to rectify your FOMO? Everyone knows you fix FOMO with YOLO. Start doing what you want to be doing if you're not already doing it! Do you want to go sky diving? Do it. Do you want to start a charity? Do it. Do you want to heal a broken relationship? Do it. What is keeping you from living your dreams, and is it worth giving up your dreams for?
Are you afraid to lose...you? You are only you in this life, and you'll be someone else in another. I am Meaghan, but only for this life; and after I cross I will release this "character", returning to the pure, nameless entity "I" truly am. Is the idea of losing your identity discomforting? Although it is important to be invested in "you", it is also mindful to consider yourself as more than a name in earth's record books. In the case of this fear, the fear of losing one's identity, detachment is the solution. Mychael gave me a beautiful definition for detachment: "Detachment is the recognition of what is inevitable, the recognition of what is uncertain, and the acceptance of both these things."
Consider why you may be squeamish about or afraid of death. Allow yourself to explore this topic while this light brightly shines upon it during this time. What are you afraid of, what can you do, and what can't you do? If there is nothing you can do, it's time to practice meditation and detachment. If there is something you can do, it's time to practice meditation and action. Start all healing with meditation and gratitude- meditation and gratitude are the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down.
Rev. Meg