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Rev. Meaghan Hammarsten
Jan 162 min read
What's Possible in a Psychic Mediumship/ Healing Session?
The Future: Although we can sense the trajectory of energy in the present, and where it will likely go, the future does not exist on...
Rev. Meaghan Hammarsten
Oct 14, 20243 min read
Choosing Happiness
"Choose happiness."  This is a "Megism" which commonly triggers people- positively and negatively. It is prominently tattooed on my...
Rev. Meaghan Hammarsten
Oct 14, 20245 min read
What is Love?
“Love is a perfect word, and yet it is so mistreated. For love blesses us, but all those who perpetuate false definitions of love, carry...
Rev. Meaghan Hammarsten
Oct 14, 20242 min read
Did Aliens Seed the Planet?!
How did earth really form? Which god is the real god? Were we created by aliens? Do the chakras actually have colors? Is the 5th...
Rev. Meaghan Hammarsten
Oct 14, 20244 min read
Uncertainty is freedom. There has been a common thread in most of my conversations lately: uncertainty. Â So common, I felt guided to...
Rev. Meaghan Hammarsten
Oct 14, 20243 min read
Afraid to Love
Loving is every single human being's purpose. Â One more time. Â Loving is every single human being's purpose. Â Regardless of your other...
Rev. Meaghan Hammarsten
Oct 14, 20243 min read
Enjoy Being Human
he·don·ism /ˈhēdəˌnizəm,ˈhedənˌizəm/ noun the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence.    PHILOSOPHY the ethical theory that...
Rev. Meaghan Hammarsten
Oct 14, 20246 min read
What Happens When We Die?
"We do not often think of death. We pass by it casually every day, averting our eyes, at times denying the inevitable. What a beautiful...
Rev. Meaghan Hammarsten
Oct 14, 20245 min read
Message from Running Eagle
Running Eagle | What’s Real Event| 04.25.2020  Image: A hand picks an aloe leaf off the plant, and peels it open to use on skin, then...
Rev. Meaghan Hammarsten
Oct 14, 20244 min read
Respecting One Another
Most people do their very best to avoid any type of change, even positive change. The pandemic was a beautiful, ironic reckoning in many...
Rev. Meaghan Hammarsten
Oct 14, 202410 min read
The Mother Wound
You may have moments reading this in which you are confused, even offended, by these words being the  words I have chosen to speak about...
Rev. Meaghan Hammarsten
Oct 14, 202411 min read
How I became a Psychic Medium...
How do you "become" a psychic medium? It's mostly on accident (lol) I avoided my awakenings with great resistance. Quickly after I begun...
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