This is a Place For Conscious Connections.
This is a page to get you in touch with local, national, and international Conscious Service Providers you can trust. From Body Work to Business Coaching, below you will find Spiritually Conscious, loving folks with integrity.
Dr. Megan Marie
Local - San Diego County, Mid-county
International - Distance Healing
Naturopathic Doctor, Cranial Sacral Therapist, Intuitive Healer
Gentle, Intelligent, and Vibrant. For locals, she's a great choice for healthcare, overcoming chronic pain, and energetic balance.
Brandon Schulze LMT
Local - San Diego County, South County
International- n/a
Intuitive Massage Therapist & Body Work
Well-versed in Breath Work, Yoga Therapy, and Shamanic Practices. Powerfully kind & a great choice for soulful body work.
Dr. Chris Pruter
Local - San Diego County, North County
International- n/a
He's not your momma's Chiropractor (but your Mom would love him). To say I'm impressed would be an understatement.
Guinevere Hitner HHP
Local- San Diego, Mid-County
International- n/a
Ayurvedic Practitioner, Massage Therapist, Energy Healer
Comforting, Authentic, Positive. She was an Ayurvedic Therapist at the elite Chopra Center ,CA, until it closed its doors.
Jackie Grossman
Local - San Diego County, North County
International- Human Design & QHHT
Human Design & Quantum Healing Hypnosis
Brave, Kind, and Supportive. She can help you on a self discovery mission through Human Design & Hypnosis.
Kit & Rosie Volcano
International- Business & Personal Coaching
Energy Conscious Coaching
Fun, Inclusive, and Transformational. This dynamic duo has dedicated their lives to helping others define and create their lives.